Cocoon, 2023
Exhibited in Freyaalt, Istanbul.
From the exhibiton Run of Luck; consisting of the works by
Ece Duran, Lal Melisa Öztaşkın, Melike Beşik, Yunus Aras
Photos: Zeynep Fırat

Cocoon focuses on a politically charged event-space through Haraway’s discussions of the ‘thick present’ and Ranciere’s suggestion of fiction to tackle political impositions. Minor narrative in this context is unconcerned with, and peripheral to the accuracy of the space or the event, it rather derives an understanding of the sacred act of spatial making. It employs feminist modes of storytelling including LeGuin’s ‘Carrier Bag Theory’, and Bloomer’s allegorical strategies to thread further within the ‘thick present’ of this space/event. This feminist stance enables fiction to produce sub-meanings such as abstraction, parody, and mockery; therefore reflects politically othered groups’ intuitive and sacred sociospatial organization.